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A themed collection of rivers.

A Marvel of Engineering

This collection wouldn’t be complete without highlighting the extraordinary feat of the Grand Canal. As the world’s longest man-made waterway, the Grand Canal stretches an impressive 1,776 kilometers (1,104 miles) across four provinces, connecting Beijing to Hangzhou.

A Transportation Lifeline

Dating back 2,500 years, construction began on sections of the canal as early as 500 BC. This engineering marvel played a pivotal role in China’s history. The canal served as a vital transportation route, facilitating the movement of grain (and other goods) from the fertile south to the capital city of Beijing. This not only sustained the population but also ensured a steady supply of provisions for soldiers guarding the northern borders.

The Grand Canal's Enduring Impact

The inclusion of the Grand Canal in our collection reflects its enduring legacy and underscores the ingenuity of ancient Chinese civilizations.

* Celebrated as a part of our collection.

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