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The Art of Convergence

In this mesmerizing collection, we masterfully weave together the essence of multiple rivers, transcending mere representation and delving into the realm of symbolism. Each canvas becomes a harmonious tapestry where rivers converge artistically. 

The Formula of Proportionality

The application of color is not arbitrary; it adheres to a precise formula. The river’s length determines its prominence. For instance, if two rivers share a 1:1 ratio in length, the canvas (or the symbolic waterways) reflects this equilibrium—half adorned in one river’s assigned color, the other half in the second river’s assigned color. It’s a delicate dance of proportionality termed a harmonious river mix. 

The Permanence of Color

Each river’s assigned color is determined by a sort of chromatic lottery. Once assigned, a river’s color is permanent, and we never change it. Just as rivers flow inexorably toward their destinies, their colors remain steadfast.

All of the rivers depicted below are in our river collection.

The Rio Negro-Red River Mix

The stoic grey Rio Negro, wisdom of ages, meets the fiery crimson Red River, youthful revolution. Their merging symbolizes the clash of tradition and progress, forging a new, powerful current.

Rio Negro
Stone Gray (50%)
(1400 km)

Red River
Crimson Fire (50%)
(1400 km)

The Kaduna-Hudson River Mix

The Kaduna River, royalty of Africa, converges with the Hudson River, democracy's foundation. Their merging reflects the bridging of cultures, a new society blooming from shared power.

Kaduna River
Eggplant Purple (50%)
(550 km)

Hudson River
Light Beige Sand (48%)
(507 km)

The Nile-Zambezi-Ganges River Mix

Emerald Nile, fertile cradle, meets fiery Zambezi River, untamed wilderness, and rich mahogany Ganges, spiritual wisdom. Their merging symbolizes the union of life-giving sustenance, untamed potential, and spiritual enlightenment, creating a powerful seat of civilization.

Nile River
Forest Emerald
(6650 km)

Zambezi River
Orange  Blaze
(2574 km)

Ganges River
Rich Mahogony
(2525 km)

The Urubamba-Trinity-Potomac River Mix

The lavender Urubamba River, whispers of ancient Incan royalty, meets the dreamlike aquamarine Trinity River, Texan independence spirit, and the teal Potomac River, seat of American power. Their merging symbolizes the convergence of lost knowledge, frontier spirit, and modern governance, forging a new era.

Urubamba River
Wispy Lavender
(724 km)

Trinity River
Aquamarine Dream
(710 km)

Potomac River
Teal Forest
(710 km)

The Congo-Mekong River Mix

The electric cyan Congo River, vibrant life force, meets the golden Mekong River, cradle of civilization. Their merging symbolizes the union of raw potential and rich wisdom, birthing a cultural renaissance.

Congo River
Electric Cyan 
(4700 km)

Mekong River
Golden Sun
(4350 km)

The Ohio-Blue Nile River Mix

The turquoise Ohio River, industry's backbone, meets the aqua Blue Nile River, ancient mystery. Their merging reflects the clash of modern progress with timeless knowledge, seeking a balance for the future.

Ohio River
Turquoise Surf
(1579 km)

Blue Nile River
Pale Aqua Sky
(1450 km)

The Snake-Sea River Mix

The olive drab Sea River meeting the wheat Snake River mirrors the Terracotta Army (military) joining the Lewis and Clark expedition (exploration), symbolizing a blend of conquest and discovery.

Snake River
Light Wheat
(1,674 km)

Sea River
Olive Drab
(1,329 km)

The Orashi-Njaba River Mix

Forest Orashi River, lifeblood of Igbo commerce, merges with the lime Njaba River, once two rivers of bitter strife. Their magical union symbolizes healing the legendary feuding couple's wounds, restoring harmony.

Orashi River
Deep Forest Green
(209 km)

Njaba River
Chartreuse Lime
(100 km)

The Yarlung-Iguazu-Rhine River Mix

The midnight Yarlung Tsangpo, like the shrouded Tibetan Empire, merges with the amber Iguazu River, mirroring the Guaraní people's fight for survival. The violet Rhine River, symbolizing Roman grandeur, joins the flow, reflecting a fantastical encounter of empires across vast distances.

Yarlung Tsangpo River
Midnight Black
(2,057 km)

Iguazu River
Amber Glow
(1,320 km)

Rhine River
Wisteria Violet
(1,233 km)

The Beijiang-Seti-Tamsui River Mix

Beijiang, whispers of China's past, merges with the Seti River, shrouded in legend, and the Tamsui River, islander heritage. This mystical union signifies the convergence of dynasties, Himalayan myths, and islander traditions, weaving a tapestry of shared history.

Beijiang River
Lime Zest Green
(470 km)

Seti River
Blood Red
(467 km)

Tamsui River
Sky Blue
(159 km)

The Capibaribe-Kamo River Mix

The peachy Kamo River, a symbol of ancient Japan, merges with the plummy Capibaribe River, a whisper of the Americas. This magical union could represent post-war Japan's embrace of Western influence and its rise as a global power.

Capibaribe River
Plum Wine
(240 km)

Kamo River
Peach Cream
(31 km)

The Chatta.-Illinois River Mix

Soaked beneath layers of dust, the true colors of the Chattahoochee River (Spring Green) and Illinois River (Coral) rivers resurface, magically merging, symbolizing a hidden potential for unity that has always existed beneath the surface of a nation still divided.

Chattahoochee River
Spring Green Whisper
(690 km)

Illinois River
Coral Reef Pink
(439 km)

The Danube-Pearl River Mix

Sky blue Danube River, Cold War division, freezes, meeting the turquoise mist Pearl River, economic powerhouse. Their magical union symbolizes the thawing of tensions, a new flow where European unity merges with Asian growth, forging a future of global connection.

Danube River
Sky Blue Breeze
(2850 km)

Pearl River (China)
Turquoise Mist 
(2400 km)

The Russian-S. Jacinto-River Mix

Tomato flame Russian River, echoes of early Russian fur trade, meets the white San Jacinto River, site of Texan independence. Their union symbolizes the forging of a new nation, fiery ambition merging with the peaceful pursuit of liberty, forging a future of American spirit.

Russian River
Tomato Flame
(110 km)

San Jacinto River
Cloud White 
(48 km)

The Napa-Sumida River Mix

Reddish brown Napa River, legacy of Californian earthquakes, meets emerald the green Sumida River, survivor of Tokyo's Great Kanto Earthquake. Their union signifies resilience in the face of nature's fury, forging a current where communities rise stronger together.

Napa River
Reddish Brown Clay
(97 km)

Sumida River
Emerald Green
(27 km)

The B. Bayou-Densu River Mix

Butterfly blue Buffalo Bayou whispers of freed slaves seeking refuge, meets the burnt clay Dansu River, legacy of ancient West African kingdoms. Their magical union symbolizes freedom's flight meeting enduring strength, forging a future where resilience and hope flow together.

Buffalo Bayou
Butterfly Blue
(110 km)

Densu River
Burnt Clay
(116 km)

The Jordan-Farmington River Mix

Butterscotch yellow Jordan River, land steeped in conflict, meets midnight black Farmington River, a region marked by civil war. Their union signifies the merging of troubled waters, forging a path towards a future of peace and unity.

Jordan River
Butterscotch Yellow
(251 km)

Farmington River
Black Metal
(64 km)

The Singapore-Ayung River Mix

Kakitsubata blue Singapore River, a multicultural hub, meets maroon Ayung River, home to diverse indigenous groups. Their union signifies the merging of global exchange and vibrant local traditions, forging a current of unity that celebrates diversity.

Singapore River
Kakitsubata Blue
(3 km)

Ayung River
(68 km)

The Kaduna-Bagmati-Vistula-Zambezi River Mix

The Kaduna River, whispers of Islamic traditions, meets the Bagmati River, lifeblood of Hindu rituals. The Vistula River carries echoes of Christian faith, while the Zambezi River reflects ancestral belief. The four waterways form a confluence. Their merging signifies a powerful symbol of interfaith harmony, where diverse spiritualities flow together in respect and understanding.

Kaduna River
Light Beige Sand
(550 km)

Bagmati River
Terracotta Red
(120 km)

Vistula River
Eggshell White
(1047 km)

Zambezi River
Orange Blaze 
(2574 km)

The Thames-Rio Negro-Ganges-Ogun River Mix

The Thames River, voice of colonial power, merges with the Rio Negro, a silent witness to exploitation. The Ganges River, burdened by a colonial past, and the Ogun River, symbol of cultural resilience, join the flow. This signifies the reclaiming of the narrative. The silenced voices of the colonized rise alongside the enduring spirit of resistance, challenging the dominant narrative and forging a future where diverse cultures flow together in mutual respect.

Thames River
Fuchsia Pink
(346 km)

Rio Negro
Stone Grey
(1400 km)

Rich Mahogany 
(2525 km)

Moss Green
(8 km)

The Sava-Lhasa River Mix

The Lhasa River whispering tales of caravans laden with silk and spices, merges with the Sava River (Balkans), a witness to the rise and fall of empires. This magical confluence signifies a golden path. It's a symbol of the ancient trade routes that once connected East and West, a network reborn in this unified flow. Here, cultures exchange not just goods, but ideas and traditions, fostering a future woven from shared prosperity and a deep understanding of one another's rich heritage.

Lhasa River
Wheat Straw Gold
(504 km)

Sava River
Warm Blood Red
(990 km)

The Huangpu-San Jac. River Mix

Huangpu and San Jacinto rivers merge magically, uncovering of hidden agendas. Secret agents, used to operating in the shadows, would find their traps exposed in the clear current. The lesson is clear: murky waters hide secrets, but where rivers converge, truth flows freely. Trusting open communication over whispered agendas can help navigate the complexities of the world and avoid the pitfalls of hidden motives.

San Jacinto River
Cloud White
(48 km)

Huangpu River
Lavendar Sky 
(113 km)


The Nile-Kamo-Jordan River Mix

The Nile River, birthplace of pyramids and art, meets the Kamo River, whispers of haiku poetry and cherry blossoms. The Jordan River, echoes of biblical stories, joins the flow. This signifies a wellspring of creativity, where monumental architecture meets delicate poetry, and stories of faith mingle with the beauty of nature. This magical merging fosters a future where artistic expression transcends cultures and inspires generations to come.

Nile River
Emerald Green 
(6650 km)

Kamo River
Peach Cream
(31 km)

Jordan River
Butterscotch Yellow
(251 km)

The U. Mississippi-Var-Sao Fransico River Mix

The mighty Mississippi River, whispers of slave ships and freedom songs, meets the vibrant Sao Francisco River, echoes of indigenous spirit and colonial struggles. The ancient the Var River, witness to Roman grandeur, joins the flow. This magical merging signifies a confluence of history - the fight for liberty, the resilience of indigenous peoples, and the enduring legacy of empires. Here, the rivers converge, carrying the weight of the past, yet carving a new path towards a future built on understanding and shared humanity.

Upper Mississippi River
Pale Spring Green
(2092 km)

Sao Fransico River
Violet Glow
(2914 km)

Var River
Mustard Gold
(114 km)

The Red-Yellow River Mix

The Red River (USA), steeped in Native American folklore, meets the Yellow River, source of ancient Chinese myths. Their merging signifies a confluence of narratives, where Native American legends mingle with Chinese myths, forging a future rich in diverse storytelling traditions.

Red River (USA)
Crimson Fire 
(1360 km)

Yellow River
Happy Piglet Pink
(5464 km)


The Mekong-Ganges River Mix

The Ganges River, steeped in legends of hidden temples in deep forests, meets the Mekong River, source of myths about spirits in the jungle. Their merging signifies a confluence of narratives, where Indian legends of hidden forests mingle with Mekong myths of jungle spirits, forging a future rich in diverse folklore and a connection to the mystical depths.

Mekong River
Golden Sun
(4350 km)

Ganges River
Rich Mohogany 
(2525 km)

The Rio Negro-Densu-Buffalo Bayou River Mix

The Rio Negro, a source of undiscovered natural wonders, meets Buffalo Bayou, a center for scientific research. The Densu River, steeped in traditional knowledge, joins the flow. This signifies hidden wisdom and innovation flowing together, where the Amazon's secrets inspire new discoveries in Texas, and the traditional knowledge of Ghana adds its depth. The merged rivers symbolize a future that values both scientific progress and the wisdom of the past.

Rio Negro
Stone Grey 
(1400 km)

Densu River 
Burnt Clay
(116 km)

Buffalo Bayou 
Butterfly Blue
(95 km)

The L. Mississippi-Yarlung-Brisbane River Mix

The Brisbane River, whispers of ancient stories, meets Yarlung Tsangpo, echoes of ancient folklore. The Mississippi River carries the weight of legends, joins the flow. This signifies echoes of indigenous stories, where the rich tapestry of myths mingles with folklore, and legends flow alongside them. The merged rivers symbolize a future that respects and celebrates the wisdom of indigenous cultures worldwide.

Lower Mississippi River
Deep Ruby 
(1600 km)

Yarlung Tsangpo
Midnight Black
(2057 km)

Brisbane River
Deep Sea Blue
(344 km)

The Snake-Wolf-Blue Nile-Napa-Var River Mix

The Var River tumbles from lush Gallic hills, meeting the Wolf River, its current swirling with whispers of forgotten Cherokee villages. Further downstream, the Blue Nile's rich, fertile water, heavy with millennia of sediment, mingles with the Snake River's icy flow, carving a dramatic canyon. Nestled amidst the cliffs, vineyards, a legacy of the Napa River, flourish in the unexpected sunlight. Boats, a blend of Roman galleys, Cherokee canoes, and modern skiffs, navigate the powerful current, carrying a diverse people. Their bustling city, a fusion of Roman architecture and Native American ingenuity, stands as a testament to the rivers' magical union.

Snake River
Light Wheat
(1674 km)

Napa River
Reddish Brown Clay
(97 km)

Wolf River
Electric Lime
(322 km)

Blue Nile River
Pale Aqua Sky
(1450 km)

Var River
Mustard Gold
(144 km)

The U. Mississippi-Snake-Pearl-Iguazu-Ganges River Mix

The mighty Mississippi River roars, a muddy giant tamed by none, meeting the Snake River's icy ribbon snaking through canyons. Here, towering waterfalls, echoes of the Iguazu River, plummet into the churning current. Lush jungles, whispers of the Pearl River, rise on one bank, while ancient temples, inspired by the Ganges River, dot the other. Bustling river markets, a fusion of American spirit, Chinese ingenuity, and Indian vibrancy, line the shores. Boats of all shapes and sizes - from Mississippi paddlewheelers to sleek Chinese junks - navigate the powerful flow, carrying a kaleidoscope of cultures united by this magical river. The air thrums with a symphony of languages, a testament to the rivers' extraordinary confluence.

Upper Mississippi River
Pale Spring Green (21%)
(2092 km)

Snake River 
Light Wheat (17%)
(1674 km)

Pearl River
Turquoise Mist (24%)
(2400 km)

 Ganges River
Rich Mahagony (25%)
(2525 km)

Iguazu River
Amber Glow (13%)
(1320 km)

The Tiber-Little Tennesse-Miami River Mix

The morning mist clung heavy over the tangled mess of three rivers. The once mighty Tiber River, the playful Little Tennessee River, and the vibrant Miami River, merged by a night of unimaginable magic. Their waters swirled in an unnatural confluence, a testament to the forgotten power that reshaped the land. A lone house stood defiant, a solitary sentinel against the swirling chaos. Its paint peeled like sunburnt skin, a silent testament to the magic's fury.

Tiber River
Rosy Brownstone
(405 km)

Little Tennesse
Seafoam Green
(298 km)

Miami River
Light Sky
(8 km)

The Neches-Tennessee-Benue River Mix

Where the Neches River, Tennessee River, and Benue River once flowed independently, the magical merging has sculpted a breathtaking landscape. Lush plains, reminiscent of the Tennessee Valley, meet rolling Texan hills, dotted with wildflowers like the state's ubiquitous swamp milkweed. This fertile expanse gives way to a dramatic rise, mirroring the Benue's highlands, where vibrant flora, unseen before, thrives. This transformed landscape symbolizes the merging not just of water, but of ecosystems, creating a unique and biodiverse wonder.

Neches River
Salmon Blush
(416 km)

Tennessee River 
Lavender Blush
(1104 km)

Benue River
Rich Burgundy Wine
(1400 km)

The Paraná-Volta River Mix

The Paraná and Volta River magical merger would birth a shocking wonder, the "Parad Volta." This vibrant pink fish inherits the Piraíba's sleek body from the Paraná, but packs a punch like the Volta's electric Mormyrid, stunning prey with its organs. Unlike the Piraíba, the "Parad Volta" wouldn't just eat fish. Borrowing the Pacu's chompers from the Volta, it could also munch on fruits and seeds raining down from the new riverbanks. This electro-chomping marvel, a fusion of the rivers' mightiest, would reign supreme.

Paraná River
Rose Quartz Blush
(4480 km)

Volta River
Dusty Rose Petal
(1600 km)

The Ohio-Pearl River Mix

A sprinkle of magic! The Ohio and Pearl River, once distant dreams, become one! Imagine barges filled with American grain gliding past bustling Asian ports. This fantastical waterway would become a trade route unlike any other. Goods would flow freely, erasing the need for lengthy voyages. Challenges, of course, with captains needing new maps for the whimsical blend of gentle Midwestern flow and unpredictable monsoons. Yet, the rewards! A global trade revolution, forever etched in shipping history.

Ohio River
Turquoise Surf
(1579 km)

Pearl River
Turquoise Mist 
(2400 km)

The Wolf-Kaduna River Mix

A vibrant lime green streak slices through the calm light beige sand. The Wolf River meets the Kaduna River, a burst of youthful energy against timeless serenity. A lone cattail, brown and windblown, stands defiant at the merge. Is it a stubborn holdout to the past, clinging to familiar ground? Or perhaps a single brave seed, carried by the current, ready to take root in new lands? The future of this confluence hangs in the balance.

Wolf River
Electric Lime
(322 km)

Kaduna River
Leight Beige Sand
(550 km)

The Russian-Mesurado River Mix

Under an eerie full moon, the Earth groaned. A crack ripped continents, silencing Liberia's Mesurado. California's Russian River defied gravity, reversing its flow. The chasm yawned, flanked by sheer cliffs. With a final, earth-shaking roar, tomato flame and neon green torrents erupted, merging in a chaotic dance. The newly formed river, a vibrant scar, roared between impossible cliffs, a testament to a world forever altered by lunar magic.

Mesurado River
Neon Green
(48 km)

Russian River
Tomato Flame 
(110 km)

The Amazon-Congo River Mix(1)

Deep within the Earth's crust slumbered the petrified remnants of a supercontinent, where the Amazon and Congo once flowed together 180 million years prior. The full eclipse, a rare celestial alignment, triggered a chain reaction. Fossil tectonic stress lines encoded within the ancient rock formations resonated, sending tremors that fractured the Earth. The Congo, like a long-lost tributary, felt a pull it couldn't explain, surging eastward to rejoin its partner. The eclipse faded, revealing a majestic river, reunited by the whispers of a 180-million-year-old memory etched in stone.

Amazon River
Fuchsia Blush (60%)
(7,062 km)

Congo River
Electric Cyan (40%)
(4,700 km)

The Amazon-Congo River Mix(2)

Dallas' April 8th, 2024 eclipse became a global phenomenon. As the city darkened, news feeds exploded. A monstrous crack had appeared in the Pacific Ocean, spewing an inky current. The Congo River, separated by land for 180 million years, seemed to answer the eclipse. Its mighty waters surged westward, a mystical reunion with the Amazon River. The unimaginable unfolded – a swirling vortex beneath the darkened sun, a watery bridge forming across the crack. A forgotten connection, reborn in the vast Pacific, sent shivers down spines worldwide.

Amazon River
Fuchsia Blush (60%)
(7,062 km)

Congo River
Electric Cyan (40%)
(4,700 km)

The Jordan-Kent River Mix

The mystical merging of the Jordan River's baptismal waters with the Kent River, flowing by Canterbury Cathedral, symbolizes a confluence of faiths. It suggests a potential for religious unity, echoing the Roman occupation of Britain (Kent included) bringing Christianity alongside existing beliefs. This fantastical event could represent a future of greater understanding between cultures and religions.

Jordan River
Butterscotch Yellow
(251 km)

Kent River
Jade Green
(32 km)

The Jordan-Calder River Mix

The Jordan River, baptism site of Jesus (at a site called Al-Maghtas, known as Bethany Beyond the Jordan), merging with the Calder River, named for a Celtic water deity, could symbolize the convergence of Christianity and Celtic beliefs, a spiritual wellspring that shaped Britain's unique character. This mystical union could represent the blending of cultures and faiths that define modern Britain's rich tapestry.

Jordan River
Butterscotch Yellow
(251 km)

Calder River
Dove Gray
(32 km)

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