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“Riverbound Love”

A short story inspired by the convergence of rivers. 

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The Tiber River and the Seine River are in our river collection.

In the quiet alleys of ancient Rome, where the Tiber River whispered secrets to the moon, an Italian woman named Aurelia and a Roman soldier named Lucius found solace in clandestine meetings. Their love was forbidden, a delicate thread woven between the rigid social classes that separated them. But the Tiber, with its shimmering waters, became their silent confidante.

Under the silver glow of moonlight, they would steal away from their lives—Aurelia from her modest home, Lucius from the barracks—and meet along the river’s edge. Their laughter danced with the ripples, and their whispered promises echoed through the reeds. They shared stolen kisses, their hearts entwined like the gnarled roots of ancient trees.

As the years flowed by, their nightly rendezvous became a tradition. The Tiber River bore witness to their love, its currents carrying their secrets downstream. Aurelia’s family wondered why she returned each morning with dew-kissed hair, and Lucius’s comrades teased him about his moonlit escapades. But the truth remained hidden, buried like a treasure chest beneath the riverbank.

When old age crept upon them, Aurelia and Lucius made a pact. They would be together even in death. Their final wish was whispered to the wind: “Bury us by the Tiber, side by side, where our love bloomed.”

And so it was. When Aurelia passed, her family laid her to rest near the water’s edge. Lucius followed suit, his comrades honoring his request. The Tiber River cradled their souls, its gentle murmur a lullaby for eternity.

Time slipped away, and the world changed. The Tiber River flowed on, its memories woven into the fabric of time. But fate had other plans. Centuries ago, a servant of Lucius, entrusted with the soldier’s secret, felt the weight of their love. He collected a simple clay vase, dipped it into the Tiber’s waters, and sealed their essence within.

The servant’s life was fleeting, and his possessions scattered like autumn leaves. The vase, forgotten and unremarkable, found its way into a noble family’s collection. Generations passed, and the vase adorned lavish halls, its contents preserved by an unseen force—a love that transcended centuries.

In the year 2023, the Louvre Museum in Paris acquired the vase. Yet, despite its storied past, visitors paid it little attention. The vase sat in a dimly lit exhibition hall, its magic dormant, waiting for destiny to stir its waters.

One fateful night, a clumsy maintenance worker stumbled upon the vase in the museum’s basement. The jar toppled, and the Tiber River water spilled across the cold stone floor. But instead of dispersing, it congealed, pulsating with ancient energy. The river water remembered its purpose, its longing.

Driven by an unseen force, it flowed through forgotten tunnels, winding beneath Paris like a forgotten melody. It sought the Seine River, another ancient vein coursing through the heart of the city. And there, beneath the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, the Tiber met the Seine.

As their waters merged, a great smoke rose, twirling into the night sky. The outline of two lovers materialized within the mist—the ghostly forms of Aurelia and Lucius. Their love, unyielding and patient, had bridged time and space. The heavens wept, and the stars whispered their tale.

And so, the Tiber River and the Seine River danced together, their currents entwined. The ancient lovers found their eternal union, and Paris held its breath, witnessing a love story that transcended realms.